In the ruin, however, nature eventually begins to have the upper hand: the ‘brute, downward-dragging, corroding, crumbling power’ produces a new form. Entirely meaningful, comprehensible differentiated.
I did many research about ruins, every ruin is a special work of art, it includes the human-made and the nature-made, at the end, nature will takes the ruin back to nature, using rain, sand, grass, weed, even birds and fish. This idea becomes the inspiration of my concept. I would like to invite nature to be a part of my jewellery, so I made eatable necklace which is pigeons’ favorite food. And I did some experiments to test what kind of form and favor is attractive for birds. The important part is how the pigeons interact with my jewellery. the piece will be eaten up by pigeons, just like the end of world, there is nothing on the earth, nature takes them back.